The time has come to say goodbye...
Well hello everyone!!!!
Well Hello Everyone,
Howdy..... just so you all know why I chose that topic, it's because I'm moving this week haha. They haven't told me where I'm moving, or with whom I will be with... but I'm sure it will be fun :D I move this friday.... an unusual day for moving, but hey, we just stay open and I'm excited for this new part in my journey!!!! I'm super sad to say goodbye to FengJia 逢甲 here, but I suppose the time has come to be called to other places... and so it is.... haha
Other than that this last week was crazy!!!! I don't have a whole ton of time today, but I'll just write what I can from this week!!!
Ok so this week I got to go on exchanges with the Zone Leaders!! I was with Elder Wootan from Layton Utah :D He's super cool, and I learned a ton from him about missionary work, and I'm super excited to keep moving forward and working :D He's like a big ball of amazing missionary-ness!! haha.
and the obvious, this last saturday I got the call to move.... It still hasn't quite hit me that I'm moving... but that's ok, I'm sure life goes on :D our investigator Brother Liao came to church this sunday!!! I was so happy to see him, and he's totally going to be baptized next month!!! Just pray for him!!!! Thanks everyone :D
Oh, and remember how I was an exchange student here like 4 years ago?? ok, so when I was on exchanges, I had a really cool experience! I was contacting people at red lights, and I rode up someone and this is what the conversation went like "利賀!你最近好嗎?" and then he looked at my, his eyes widened and was like "You're Bryan's brother!!!!" Paused a few seconds thinking... then was like "You're Danny!!!!" Alright.... I was trying to have an intelligent conversation in Chinese, then suddenly he pulls out english and yells "You're bryan's brother!!!" like.... I don't think I've had someone call me bryan's brother since I was a sophomore in musical. So that was a weird sensation haha! But then we talked about how we'd met like 4 years ago, and now he's studying at FengJia University, which is in my area :D It's a super small world! But I was happy to meet him haha :D So ya... that was a cool adventure.....
Other than that, I have been reading more about what is expected of us as members of the church. I feel that it's really easy to sometimes compromize with some things, saying that we're 沒辦法, that we just can't do that one commandment. and then I think of how many blessings god has blessed us with each comandment. each on has it's own blessings. So I guess in a way, we're just picking which blessings we don't want. Haha, Sorry, random thought with Elder Dawson this last week ;D
love you all!!!!!!
CTR, 義
Elder Dawson 陶長老
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