Sunday, April 27, 2014

Taiwan April 20 2014

Dear all those within reading distance of this letter, 

     Sometimes I think to myself, where am I? Is this paradise?? and then I realize, oh yes it is, I'm in Heng Chun :D So.... how to describe being a missionary here.... well.... basically just think of what being a missionary in Hawaii would be like, and that's what it's like here ;) (pictures to come  haha) 

      Mom!!!!! you can Type In Chinese now!!!!! 很開心!! 恆春很棒!不要擔心,我會常常用sunblock, 不然我就會黑死 ;) 哈哈,開玩笑 :D 我新同伴是一個小可愛的林長老, 他很像 David Barlow.;)  媽媽,我很喜歡你寫中文!我看的懂大概百分之95。。。吧。可是,不要擔心,林長老的中文很厲害!所以,如果我看不懂,他可以幫助我 :D Oh ya!!! 他也有去StarTalk!

Hahaha, leave it to my mom to write me three messages, in Chinese and English :D So More about the Heng Chun area!!! Here there are about 20 active memebers, our area is the largest in the mission, and if we were to bike to the farthest away area, it would take 3 to 4 hours haha, yay :D My new companion is Elder Lindsey, and He's super cool!!!! He's a lot like David Barlow.... hahahaha, loving the piano, and personality wise haha :D I love doing missionary work with him!!!! It's so fun!! 

hmmmmm,媽媽,爸爸,你們在臺灣eh?不能偷看喔!哈哈,我很愛你們,希望你們也過得好 :D 

yay!!!! So it was a great week here, a lot of work, but a lot of blessings too :D ya....... I don't really have things to write about each day this week, but I'll send pictures!!!! yay :D Just know, that we live about a half an hour from the beach, the city i'm in has one main road, and it's absolutely tiny. And then people here already have seen missionaries a million times haha ;) yay ;) 

CTR, (義)

Elder Dawson (陶長老) 

Me and Elder Lindsey :D So the City used to be surrounded by a big wall, and so there's four main gates entering the city, and this is the south one haha :D 

The beach hahaha, no we did not go swimming baha

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