Thursday, January 16, 2014

Taiwan January 2014

Well howdy,            Jan12,  2014

    Fine week, don't you say? I was thinking perhaps it was a bit
cold.... you know, over there in America haha ;) Everyone we meet on the
street is like "You're american?? wow, it's really cold over there right
now!!" bahaha, who needs to watch news when you can talk to people and hear
all the exaggerated stories :D It's great!!!! love it!! Halla!!!!!

    But really, lets get down to business, this week started out kind
of.... meh. But then became a great week!!!! yay great weeks!!!!!!
Basically because I remembered the fact that I'm out here to do work, and
not worry about what other people think of me :D Isn't that just an amazing
realization!? I do say so, it is my dear chap!!! :

    Family!! And love!!! Love is what brings us together today!!!! Tell
the family I say hi :D And I want to know if Karen is planning on coming to
Taiwan for vacation haha!!!! It would be fun to know :D Missionary
efforts.... fun/hard times :D

So...... How am I? hmm........ Well Good, and were teaching about 20
lessons a week now, so I"m super happy about that!!!!!!!!!! We have one
investigator with a super strong baptismal goal, so pray for him and for us
that we can help him!!!! Success wise.... well.... I feel super blessed,
because here in Dou Liu, me and Elder long have about 4 or 5 investigators,
and the other companion ships have none right now. I feel super blessed
that we have people to teach, and It makes me want to help them as much as
possible :D God has given me this responsibility to help them, and so that
will keep me going :D Mandarin is super good!!! I feel pretty ok with it :D
I mean obviously if we're talking about like muscular diseases then I don't
understand, but basic stuff I'm doing good :D Speaking it, I still sound
super funny haha, but that's ok, my accent will go away with time.....
hopefully.... :D

So!!!!! On to the week!!!!! So for each day, I'm trying to add in a funny
or spiritual story, but I just thought of this, so Next week I'll have one
for each day, but as for now, I'll just try to remember some :D

Monday: Hahha.... ha..... so dad.... this is how I started out my Journal
entry.... I think you'll enjoy it ;)  I said "So.... sometimes I think my
dad is weird, then I realize, I'm the same weird as him, and it's
awesome!!!" Bahahaha, Love you dad :D So last Monday we spent with one of
Elder Long's old investigator, who wanted to spend time and see him haha.
So we ate.... talked.... played ping pong.... and talked to him.... ya....
super fun!!! Funny story of this day is that The american's won in ping
pong, which overall is just ironic if you ask me haha :D

Tuesday: Suuuuuuuuuuuuuupppppppperrrrrrrr tired!!!!! Like, really tired
haha!!!!! We taught a ton of lessons, and had an amazing ZTM!!!!!!! I got
more language material, and we sprinted like 2 miles with 50 pounds of
books on our back haha!! Funny... but.... bruising on the shoulders haha.
Really fun story of the day has to do with one of our English
investigators! Last time we taught him about the Law of Chastity, and he
was like "Respect for the Church! that's awesome!!!" Then this time, he was
reviewing what the Law of Chastity prohibits, and somehow, he got in his
mind that "Flatulation" Was against it, and we were like oh no! You can
still fart. Promise. And he was like "Oh good, because if you couldn't, I
would never make it into the church!!" bahaha.... funny. awkward. love it.

Wednesday: English class day!!!! Gotta love English class, and this week
is English class party!! Super excited!!!! We're doing a Harry Potter
party, and we have wands we're giving everyone :D Super excited! Anyways,
last Wednesday was super good :D Met with a cool family :D And found
magnets, and then talked about extreme sports. yep.... story... umm.....
ya..... next day :D

Thursday: Wow.... so... tired... need... sleep.... You know I had a
realization, from a video we watched one day. I'm so tired. like every day.
But yet I feel so happy!!! Why is that??? who knows!!! First one to get the
answer will get a hug through the computer ;) Dad, Bryan, you can't play
because you already know the answer haha ;) Oh ya.... but this day, I will
not tell a lie, I wanted to kill Elder Long. But then we talked about it,
and it was all better :D We did a really cool spiritual share with a
candle. We lit the candle, and said it represented the light of Christ in
all of us. Then grabbed a cup which represented Satan, and put it over.
Satan will try to put out our light, but we always have the power to move
away from where he has power to put us out. Love it :D

Friday: We.... had a good day!!!!! I tried writing in my Journal in
Chinese and It went good!!!!! I want to try and write the scripture that I
wrote down here.... Ok, I'll try :D It's Mosiah 26:17, which says "你有福了,
因為你在人......." Ok I give up. Takes to long to type haha!!! I'll have to try
again later :D

Saturday: Everyone is treating us to dinner. Well, there goes my diet
haha :D That was the realization of the day haha!!!!

Sunday: It was a hard day. We had to experience a bit of heart ache as
someone we really care about and want to help doesn't want to talk to us,
and just wants to leave. It was hard, but we made things better :D

Yep... so that was the week!!!! And Now I'm sitting here babbling on....
and listening to some EFY music.... singing to myself... getting funny
looks.... ya all that good stuff :D I love you all at home, and don't
forget me!! That's a big no no!!! No forgetting Elder Danny Dawson, I still
live out here haha!!!! Love you all, and hope you have a great week :D Pray
for me!!!

CTR, (義)

Elder Dawson (陶長老)

P.S. Enjoy the Photos!!!

Family here who ate lunch with us :D

January 5  2014

Well harrow there everyone!!!!! 

     I hope you all had an amazing new years!!!!! Partied a lot..... drank sparkling cider.... partied.... without me..... *sniff* *sniff* bahaha, kidding, I'm having a party here :D 

     So, mission life is going really good!!!!!! Serving others, working hard, laughing, crying, and having the occasional mental breakdowns from Chinese haha! Yay!!!! New years day.... we didn't really do anything.... like at all haha!!! Just continue doing missionary work!! yay!!!!! Year of the horse..... good luck!!!!!!! So that young man and his mother that we were talking about last week are doing good!  His older brother just came back from China, so now its a happy family all together now!!! yay!!!! 

     So mom, sounds like you had an awesome new years!!!!!!! I will be praying for Miriam, and you all, and your family :D And Teaching Primary!!! Yay!!!! That's awesome!!! Good luck mom!!! Try not to spoil them too much ;) I'm super excited to have Chinese new year here!!!!!!! Although, it basically means that my diet is going out the window.... but hey, as of right now I'm at 205!!! yay!!!! That's an improvement haha :D 

Mom! Another Package! Ah! Super Expensive! ah!!! Haha, umm......just recipes to make stuff... a card.... smiles..... not too much candy haha (still trying to lose weight ;) and um..... pictures? I don't know! Ask bryan, he might know haha!!! :D 

Soooo.... This week!!!! Yay!!!!! Overall this week was pretty good :D A little hard at times, but overall pretty good!!! yay!!!! So.... 

Monday: I felt so good!!!!! It was a great day, and I felt super happy!!!! 

Tuesday: Had fun, and Met a really cool German family!!!!! They wanted to come and tour the Chapel, so were super excited!!!!! yay!!!! 

Wednesday: We literally contacted people like all day. Super tiring, but super worth it!! We found a lot of people to meet with, and basically, just hard work brings miracles :D 

Thursday: We met with a ton of less actives!!!! I love meeting with them, and getting to know who they are!! Super fun!!! yay!!!!! 

Friday: So..... got a little tired..... yes..... but that's ok, because I'm still having an amazing time being here!!!! yay!!!! and one of our investigators accepted a baptismal invite, and so now we're working with two people towards baptism!!! yay!!!! 

Saturday: I literally only wrote "Well, what a great day!! :)" Well.... what to do. 

Sunday: Super good!!! That mom I was talking about earlier, It's her birthday next week, so I'm making paper flowers for her! I'll send a picture when I'm done :D 

So to end, I would just love to say how amazing it is to have study times each morning :D Just having that time every morning to study the scriptures has helped so much in my life!!! It's something that I hope to keep doing my whole life :D I love you all!!!!! 

CTR, (義)

Elder Dawson (陶長老) 

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Taiwan January 2014

Well hello all humans, platypuses (platypi?), and everyone else :D 

     Well hello!!!!!!! Wow!!!!!!! What a Week!!!!!!!!!! Got to Skype home!!!!!! Yay!!!! It made Elder Long a little bit trunky, but not me, sorry, still don't miss home enough to be trunky haha ;) But really, it was so amazing to be able to see everyone!!! You all look so good, and sound so good!!! Sorry the connection wasn't super amazing, but hey, I got to see you all :D And mom, I'm sorry for how long it took you to get home from St. Louis haha ;) hope you at least had fun a little!! :D And Tell Meilan and Meifong and Amah and Agong that I say hi!!!!! I'm learning Bo, Po, Mo, Fo right now, because they don't have roman pinyin here in Taiwan haha, so I'll be able to type simple things in Chinese back to you all!!!!!! like...... 我愛你們!!!!!!!!! Holy cow that took forever!!!! Ok, on to studying Bo, Po, Mo, Fo, even more haha!!! Hope you all have fun in San Jose!!! I'll be practicing my Chinese and Taiwanese so I can talk with you all when I get back :) Give everyone a hug for me when you're there!!! So.... It's freezing here. Legit. It's currently like 10 degree's Celsius haha, good thing I bought myself a Christmas present, a nice jacket! (yay!)

     So... Christmas Proselyting... oh you know, just joyously fun!!!!! I just want my family to know, I pray for you all everyday by name, and I hope that it help you find guidance in all the decisions you make, just as my mission is helping me learn how to make decisions that will help me in my life :D 

     So, Christmas season is a time of miracles!!!! To start, let me tell the story of a man named Bob. No his name is not really Bob, its some Chinese Characters that I don't want to take the time to type out haha :D However, to protect his privacy, I will just say his name is Bob :D So Bob is a less active here in Dou Liu, Who is awesome!!!! We started meeting with him and his mom, and just getting to know them, and miracles happened!!!! We just invited him to start reading the Book of Mormon again, and come to church with us, and it changed his life!! Before he met with us, he said he was sad, never hung out with friends, and just stayed at home studying. However, he said he would meet with us, and he felt happy! He started hanging out with friends more, started hanging out with his mom, and started coming to church! Yesterday in Church he was asked "what things bring you closer to christ?" His answer was "Hearing the Missionaries bear their testimonies". It touched my heart, to see this sad person who we met suddenly have a change, and start being happy! He told us his new years resolution is to read the Book of Mormon and Bible all the way through!!! He Is so amazing, and families relationship was restored, and he couldn't be happier!!! It's things like this that keep me going :D Seeing how following simple gospel principles can help people so much, it's amazing!!! :D 

     So, on to the week synopsis: 

Monday: Well I realized on this day that I have lost my sense of humor. what to do. who knows?? move on I suppose haha :D Then I bought my new jacket, and wrote cards for people! That was about it :D 

Tuesday:  All I wrote "Christmas Eve!!!!" (yes, correct number of Exclamation points) however, I repented, and the next day wrote "Wow. Pitiful last journal entry. I spit on it. *spit*" and then went on to talk about how for Christmas eve we had happy and sad!! We had to stop meeting with an investigator because he wasn't wanting to listen to what we had to say, but on the other hand we, went Christmas Caroling!!!! Yay!!!!! Right after Christmas caroling, my heart was just filled with joy, as a mother walked over to us (this is a mother who we've been working with to help her sons come back) and told us while she was crying "You two have touched my heart, never before have I met two better and nice missionaries!" Then she went on in some Chinese that I didn't understand haha, but the spirit can move people, and it kills me!!! In a good way :D 

Wednesday: Christmas!!!!!!!! opened presents from family, and got to skype!!!!! Yay!!!!!! Yep..... that was about Christmas :D 

Thursday: Super busy day!!!!!! So we called, Contacted people, had dinner with investigators, met a German Family, and then met with a family!!! We were riding so fast to get everywhere we needed, it was crazy!!! But so much got done, and so much was felt :D 

Friday: We went on Splits!! So I was with Elder Turner, and man it was fun and weird!!! Because we were both Junior companions, I got to be senior companion for a day!! Because we were working in my area :D and then we gave one of our investigators a baptismal goal, and he accepted!!!!!! It's so amazing, and I'm so excited to keep on helping him move towards that goal!!!!! 

Saturday: Back to normal, and back to working even harder!!! We met a man that like our Church, except for the fact we liked Jesus....hmmm.... odd... oh well, it was an amazing day!!! 

Sunday: Well.... Sundays are always.... thought provoking.... haha, and basically I had a smackdown, and had to rethink my life, and had a whole rethought process that was super.... unique haha! But it all helps me to be better, and all helps to make us better people!!! And that is the main point :D Becoming better people, and being happy!!! yay!!!!! 

So yes, that was my week :D Lots learned, and lots to do now :D I hope everyone's doing amazing at home, and don't forget me!!! I love you all, and now, it's time for photos :D 


Elder Dawson 

P.S. I can use dropbox now!!! Whatever that is haha 

 Special family  
Branch Party